As COVID-19 began spreading worldwide, California and many other states issued shelter in place orders in hopes of slowing the virus’ course, sending everyday life into an uncertain tailspin. Grocery store shelves were picked clean, toilet paper became incredibly scarce and all non-essential businesses were ordered to shut down. Streets that were once buzzing with cars and pedestrians were empty and quiet. People didn’t know what to do with themselves as unemployment numbers soared and just the simple act of leaving the house became dangerous. This caused an intense amount of anxiety and feeling of isolation as people were separated from friends, family outside of their households, and coworkers who they were used to seeing every day. Holidays were not the same. The mask mandate was imposed and the normal experience of seeing another human being smile became a distant memory, while cities grappled to find methods which insured social distancing. Conventional forms of entertainment vanished and people looked for alternatives to take their minds off the despair and stress. Streaming services set records and new social media fads like TikTok gained unprecedented attention. Nobody knew how long it would be until life resembled normal again, but people attempted to adapt to this new reality. No matter how hard someone tried to pretend like the virus didn’t exist, it showed its ugly head during the most inopportune times, killing thousands and sending many into the hospital with serious illness. This became a time that it was necessary to consider the safety of other people just as much as your own.